Metal Blade Records
George Fisher - Vocals
Rob Barret - Guitar
Pat O'Brien - Guitar
Alex Webster - Bass
Paul Mazurkiewicz - Drums
1. | The Time to Kill Is Now | 02:04 | |
2. | Make Them Suffer | 02:50 | |
3. | Murder Worship | 03:57 | |
4. | Necrosadistic Warning | 03:28 | |
5. | Five Nails Through the Neck | 03:46 | |
6. | Purification by Fire | 02:57 | |
7. | Death Walking Terror | 03:32 | |
8. | Barbaric Bludgeonings | 03:43 | |
9. | The Discipline of Revenge | 03:39 | |
10. | Brain Removal Device | 03:15 | |
11. | Maniacal | 02:13 | |
12. | Submerged in Boiling Flesh | 02:52 | |
13. | Infinite Misery (Instrumental) | 04:01 | |
Total playing time | 42:17 |
Pondría la mano en el fuego para afirmar que estamos sin duda alguna ante el mejor trabajo de los caníbales. Consecuentemente, podéis imaginar lo que incluye el mejor disco del mejor grupo dentro del brutal death. Un disco recién salido del matadero, el más brutal de los diez con los que ya cuenta en su aval el grupo. Y es que el regreso de Rob Barret a la guitarra, parece haber inferido una mayor brutalidad en sus composiciones.
“Kill” es un sanguinario hervidero de violencia, una carga contra los sentidos en forma de Brutal Death cuyas letras siguen la línea marcada por estos cinco asesinos: brutalidad, gore, horror, asesinatos, muertes, torturas y mutilaciones. Y todo ello queda prensado en forma del primer tema, de título “The Time To Kill Is Now”, dos minutos, donde sin contemplación alguna, los decibelios toman forma de martillo y te atizan en la mismísima nuca. Directo y sin contemplaciones.
Sin bajar el ritmo, “Make Them Suffer”, te llevan a gritar al ritmo de George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher, el fantástico vocalista de esta fantástica banda, quien a modo de puñetazos, te envía sus gúturos desde lo más profundo del estómago. La sigue “Murder Worship”, uno de esos temas en los que los dos guitarristas demuestran su buen hacer con un conjunto de solos, punteos y contrastes entre notas brutalmente graves y armónicos.
En cuarto lugar nos encontramos “Necrosadistic Warnings”, probablemente una de las mejores de éste estupendo “Kill”, los riffs, como siempre brutales, y sin duda un gran tema para los aficionados al headbanging. Desde luego las letras de Cannibal no pueden ser entendidas en la primera oída, pero tened claro que todo lo que se diga en este álbum es una autentica burrada, queda absolutamente demostrado con el título de la siguiente canción “Five Nails Through The Neck”, (Cinco clavos a través del cuello), aunque a mi ya no me sorprenden desde aquella bestial canción que marcó una etapa en mi vida: “Hammer Smashed Face”.
“Purification by Fire” es la siguiente en cuestión, y la verdad es que es un tema que me deja con la boca abierta debido al magno virtuosismo que nos demuestran los guitarras Pat O’Brien y Rob Barret. Cuenta también con unos solos que dejan en calzoncillos al mejor de los guitarristas. Tras ella podemos encontrar “Death Walking Terror” un tema muy breve, tan solo un minuto cuarenta segundos largos de brutalidad prensada.
En octavo lugar tenemos “Barbaric Bludgeonings”, un tema que me encantaría ver en directo dada su calidad. Bárbaros son sus riffs y en ella Corpsegrinder destaca de sobremanera (¿Qué habrá comido este chaval de pequeño?). El solo de nuevo es brutal. Con un riff más siniestro, comienza el noveno tema “The Discipline of Revenge”, nada mas lejos de la realidad, vuelve el death de la vieja escuela al que Cannibal Corpse nos tiene acostumbrados a partir del minuto y medio aproximadamente.
De nuevo la brutalidad se apodera del reproductor de CD con “Brain Removal Device” y sus trepidantes ritmos, al igual que “Maniacal”, otro trepidante tema, de esos que nunca te cansas de escuchar, al igual que todos los demás en conjunto.
Sin embargo, todo lo bueno se acaba y los dos últimos temas son también dignos de mención: “Submerged in Boiling Flesh” es un sanguinario redoble de los mas brutos ritmos death metaleros. Suena como los buenos viejos tiempos del “Vile” o el “Tomb of the Mutilated”. Cerrando el disco nos encontramos con una de las mías: “Infinite Misery”. Los ritmos se ralentizan convirtiéndose en una sarta de riffs muy machacones. Un gran cierre para un gran álbum, sí señor.
En definitiva, si lo tuyo es el death metal más bruto y sanguinario, no podrás sobrevivir sin este “Kill”, que resume en 13 hachazos lo mas agresivo dentro del más extremo de los géneros. ¡¡El momento de que te compres el Kill es ahora!!
Sergio Rodríguez Villa
It’s not the easiest task to begin a review of “Kill”. What can I tell you about CANNIBAL CORPSE that hasn’t already been written or said? I’m not here to bring sensational news of big progress in the camp of the cannibals, simply because there is very little change at all. The changes are cosmetic at best. They’re still playing the same kind of Death Metal they started with on “Vile”. Their instrument skills are still very good, except for Paul, drums, that is, who doesn’t sound especially gifted in my ears. His drumming is powerful and he is capable execute his every move live, but he is no Pete Sandoval. He sounds a bit less triggered this time around since last time I bought a CANNIBAL CORPSE album. The album in question is “Gore Obsessed”. The guitars sound a bit better too, a little less clean and a bit more deadly. All in all I think Erik Rutan has done a good job with the album, it’s just that the band disappoints me a bit.
On several occasions CANNIBAL CORPSE has shown that they are able to create some heavy tunes and then I mean whole songs like they did on “Vile” and “Gallery Of Suicide”. Therefore my question is why they don’t make more songs like “Infinite Misery”. The album closer is one of those heavy CANNIBAL CORPSE instrumentals that they do so well. A couple more of those would have done wonders for this album, though it wouldn’t do any harm if some of them also had vocals. Corpsegrinder has done some heavy songs in the past as vocalist for MONSTROSITY so he is certainly up to the challenge. To be honest I think George could use the change; a scream like the one he does at the start of “Make Them Suffer” is one that he’s done a million times already.
One thing I like about “Kill” is the increased use of guitar solos, the biggest addition this time around. As you’ve read from the score already I like most of the songs, or at least most of the music. There is some really, really good riffs in almost every song. Unfortunately there are mediocre parts in most of them as all, most present when Paul does his boring half-blast. A kind of beat that has made “Butchered At Birth” into my least favorite CANNIBAL CORPSE album. “Kill” is a lot better than that one; just ask Niall, he’ll whole heartily disagree.
My favorite songs on “Kill” are “The Time To Kill Is Now”, “Death Walking Terror”, “Brain Removal Device” and the already mentioned “Infinite Misery”. “The Time To Kill Is Now” is the best opener CANNIBAL CORPSE has had since “I Will Kill You”. As a whole I rank “Kill” behind “Gallery Of Suicide”, though. Even though I’m still a fan of CANNIBAL CORPSE I realize that I’m not among the most rabid anymore. “Kill” gets accolades of praise from most of their fans; I guess that’s more important to them than any review I’ll ever write.
Whole heartily recommended to any fans of CANNIBAL CORPSE, but I think fans of Death Metal in general will find more interesting bands out there. BENIGHTED, BLOOD RED THRONE, BLOODTHORN and AEON are all better bands in my ears.
Ah, the lovely and whimsical Cannibal Corpse. What do they offer us today? Well, a death metal record titled “Kill.” Effective, but not very original. Let start off by saying this is one of the cleanest death metal records I’ve ever heard. The production is perfect. That being said, many fanatics will hate this album because of it. I embrace it. This is also in my opinion Cannibal’s best line-up. Alex Webster is still one of the greatest metal bassist on the scene today. Rob Barret and Pat O’Brian are a great duo and can pull off riffs and solos with perfection, Paul Mazurkiewicz is a good drummer who knows how to play fast, very fast in fact. George Fisher is still better than Chris Barns, so I still don’t understand why people are arguing about it. Anyway, let’s get into the album.
“The Time To Kill Is Now” is a sweet opener with an intricate riff. The vocal chorus is catchy yet brutal. The single “Make Them Suffer” is also catchy with a satisfying solo. Every track on here has something to enjoy. Cannibal Corpse can still write some good material. I know most death metal fans shun then for being successful. An idiotic reason to hate a band, but nevertheless people do. I find this album to be their best. Yes, their best. The main reason being the crisp production job. It’s much easier to listen to than any of their records. The lyric content is vintage Corpse. Killing, blood, mutilation, anything a death metal fan is looking for. Unoriginal? Yes, but once again effective.
“Submerged in Boling Flesh” is one of the coolest songs on here. The vocals by Fisher are nice and the verses are catchy. This song will hook you. Plus, the title is cool. “Purification By Fire” has an awesome drum job from Paul, and the rapid-fire vocal job just makes this song great.
Overall, this is a great album. Get it if you’re a Cannibal Corpse fan. Of course, there will be haters for this record, but their easily ignored. Check it out.
Written by Flamos on October 30th, 2008
This is a modern Cannibal Corpse album (which means it's very slightly different from an older Cannibal Corpse album), so you pretty much know what to expect: lots of classic death metal riffs, wild solos, blasting, and mid-paced breaks. It's occasionally mildly technical, but overall, it's not modern at all. The lyrics are still about death, but now they're much less about gore and more about war and violence with a greater sense of purpose, and expressed in a somewhat more erudite way. That's probably the biggest change though. The rest is the same as always.
'Kill' marks the first album that Erik Rutan has actually produced well, which is an accomplishment, because he frequently makes everything sound like Hate Eternal (that's a bad thing). In this case, everything is full and clear, if a bit excessively loud, with a good guitar tone and an even better bass tone, and capable representation of vocals and drums as well. The songs are all well written and played; 'The Time To Kill Is Now' is the traditional hyperspeed opener that's very catchy and filled with brutal riffs and vocal patterns, 'Necrosadistic Warning' has some excellent breaks in the chorus, and 'The Discipline Of Revenge' stands out with its opening bass soloing and particularly malevolent riffset. 'Infinite Misery' is a great closer also; sludgy, dark death metal like Autopsy. No songs are weak, though. All the playing is fantastic. Corpsegrinder's vocals are as nimble and barbaric as ever, and the instrumentalists never fail to impress with speed, precision, and adherence to the band's unique style.
As always, it's a Cannibal Corpse album, and as always, it's a fine and worthwhile one. Cannibal Corpse is the essential sound of death metal (though no one has been able to replicate them stylistically), so if you don't like death metal, you probably won't like this, and if you do like death metal, you probably will. It is an essential for people who like death metal and totally meaningless to those who don't.
Written by Noktorn on February 14th, 2008
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